Name Group 1. Ema Nur Aisyah 2. Muliyanti 3. Noor Melia 4. Rini Kinanti Give the explanation about common pronounciation error a.English vowels b.English consonant c.stress and rhytem Answer: a. Anybody who has attended a pronunciation class will know what a ‘schwa’ is: the most common weak vowel of English. There are, in fact, four equally weak vowels in English and they form a very important part of accurate speech. In this paragraph for example, out of 77 vowel sounds, 40 are weak. That means that over half the vowels we pronounce in English should be unstressed and selected from just 4 vowel sounds! Another way of looking at that is if you do not use weak vowels in your speech, you are mispronouncing at least half of your vowel sounds – proof that this is one of the most important aspects of learning English pronunciation. In order of frequency the four weak vowels are: ə ɪ i u Where do they occur? All of the weak vowels appear on weak syllables of long words a...